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Please set the criteriacriteria for the Matches that you would like to list and click "Show". You can also view the detail for any MatchMatch by clicking on the numeric value you'll see in the "Match" column of the Results List.

Inquiry Criteria
Match# Referees Client multiple
Date - Authority multiple Playing League multiple noCalendar
Day Class TeamTeam
TimeTime multiple Gender multiple FieldField
City multiple Level multiple Location
BracketBracket multiple AreaArea multiple
Sort By
Status Season multiple Action   Site Printable

The following Matches meet the criteria you have set. You can see the detail associated with a specific Match by clicking on the Match Number (that's the number in the "Match" column) in the same row as the entry you are interested in.

3342972/24/2025Mon8:45 pmPeninsula Adult Coed SLBookgreenO19El Camino Soccer FieldRefAccept AR1Accept AR2Accept
3342982/24/2025Mon8:45 pmPeninsula Adult Coed SLBookgreenO19Mayfield SouthRefAccept AR1Accept AR2Accept
3347112/25/2025Tue7:00 pmZogSportsBookgreenO21Emeryville Community Center Soccer Field 1RefAccept
3347122/25/2025Tue7:00 pmZogSportsBookgreenO21Emeryville Community Center Soccer Field 2RefAccept
3347132/25/2025Tue8:00 pmZogSportsBookgreenO21Emeryville Community Center Soccer Field 1RefAccept
3347142/25/2025Tue8:00 pmZogSportsBookgreenO21Emeryville Community Center Soccer Field 2RefAccept
3360142/25/2025Tue8:45 pmPalo Alto Adult Soccer LeagueBookgreenO25El Camino Soccer FieldRefAccept AR1Accept AR2Accept
3360122/25/2025Tue8:45 pmPalo Alto Adult Soccer LeagueBookgreenO25Mayfield NorthRefAccept AR1Accept AR2Accept
3360132/25/2025Tue8:45 pmPalo Alto Adult Soccer LeagueBookgreenO25Mayfield SouthRefAccept AR1Accept AR2Accept
3360172/26/2025Wed8:30 pmPalo Alto Adult Soccer LeagueBookgreenO25El Camino Soccer FieldRefAccept AR1Accept AR2Accept
Displayed 1 to 10 of 530 right1rightend

Click on "Help" top right of your screen for more information about this page.


Match Inquiry

This page allows you to see all the Matches that are getting Referee assignments via this website.

  1. Use Criteria to filter the Matches to those of interest to you. You can add a portion of the team name, or a portion of the field name, or the gender, age, playing league, etc.
  2. Use the checked boxes to control what appears in the Table below.
  3. single and multiple toggles between the capability to select multiple choices in a pulldown. How to select multiple choices is browser specific, but often involves depressing the CTRL key while making selections
  4. Click on "Show"

Are there Referees Assigned?

open indicates that a referee has been requested for this position, and as of this moment no referee has been assigned.
unconfirmed indicates that a referee has been assigned for this position, and as of this moment the referee has NOT confirmed that they have accepted the assignment.
ok indicates that a referee has been assigned and has accepted the assignment.

No Match?

Too many criteria filters may exclude the match you are looking for. Try internal or site and "show" to reset the criteria to default values. If the Match is truly not here, then contact your Club Scheduler and/or Referee Assignor to find out if referees have been requested.  

The Match might be Cancelled.   Check the Status criteria.   Set it to "All".   Cancelled matches are displayed in Strikethrough.

No Referees?

Click on the hyperlinked Match # in the first column to get more match details including the assignor for this match. If you see OPEN open symbols the day before the match, you should be concerned. If you see NO symbols you will not be getting referees via this website.

Rule Summary?

Click on the bookgreen to get a one page summary of the rules applicable to this match. See Match detail page.


Click calendar or nocalendar to toggle between all PlayingLeagues and currently date active PlayingLeagues.

Updated 12/21/23