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Match #331541

The following information is associated with Pensra Match #331541. Note: This information is current on Saturday, September 21st, 2024 at 12:51pm PDT, but is subject to change by an authorized User of the SiteSite.

Match #331541Bookgreen
Date Saturday, September 28th, 2024 Time 5:10 pm
Field Greer Park 3
PlayingLeague Tall Trees Class Competitive
Level U10 Gender G
Bracket Rank 2
ClientPalo Alto Soccer Club AuthorityUSSF
Season Tournament Status Normal
Home Palo Alto 15G White Away Mill Valley Rockers Red 15
Officiating Crew
PositionReferee MethodStatus
Ref accept SelfAssign Accept

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for... Client=Palo Alto Soccer Club
  1. Mike Endsley