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The Field named Aragon HS Stadium is at the Location named Aragon High School FF

Aragon High School FFOpenStreetMap GoogleMaps

Synthetic turf. No dogs. No food. Parking along Alameda and access road on south edge of campus. Field is NOT visible from the street.

Address, Area=San Mateo County _ Central
Alameda de las Pulgas and Avila Road
San Mateo, CA 94403
OpenStreetMap GoogleMaps
Fields defined at this Location
  1. Aragon HS Stadium (SyntheticTurf), RidgeStar 560, GotSport 49775,86637, Demosphere 20611374
    Synthetic turf. No dogs. No food. Parking along Alameda and access road on south edge of campus. Field is NOT visible from the street.
Google Derived Travel Durations
514Accinelli Park27 minutes
58Alpine Inn / Rossotti's21 minutes
69Barkley Park14 minutes
520Bay Meadows Park11 minutes
95Carlmont High School13 minutes
100Catamaran Park13 minutes
119Crestview Park15 minutes
121Crocker Amazon29 minutes
582Crystal Springs Uplands Middle School11 minutes
139AEDEl Camino Park26 minutes
144Fair Oaks School20 minutes
261Franklin / Osberg Schools20 minutes
169Highlands Park San Carlos18 minutes
172Hillsdale High School8 minutes
180Hoover Park Redwood City17 minutes
193Joinville Park / Bayside Middle School10 minutes
199King Center12 minutes
71Lower Bayside Park13 minutes
216Marlin Park14 minutes
245Murray / Burlingame Sports Complex12 minutes
499Notre Dame de Namur University14 minutes
282Red Morton Park22 minutes
307Sea Cloud Park15 minutes
317South San Francisco High School23 minutes
318South Sunset Park33 minutes