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The Field named San Juan School is at the Location named San Juan School

San Juan SchoolOpenStreetMap GoogleMaps

Driving Directions from Hollister: Take Highway 156 to San Juan Bautista.ÿ Turn right at the main stop light, then take an immediate right onto Nyland Drive.ÿ The school will be on your left. The soccer fields are in the rear of the school.

Address, Area=San Benito
100 Nyland Road
San Juan Bautista, CA 95045
Google Map of the Vicinity OpenStreetMap
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Fields defined at this Location
  1. San Juan School, RidgeStar 456
    Driving Directions from Hollister: Take Highway 156 to San Juan Bautista.ÿ Turn right at the main stop light, then take an immediate right onto Nyland Drive.ÿ The school will be on your left. The soccer fields are in the rear of the school.