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Anzar High SchoolOpenStreetMap GoogleMaps

Driving Directions from Hollister: Take Highway 156 to Highway 101 North. Go 2-3 miles. Take the Highway 129 exit. Turn RIGHT at the end of the offramp. You will see Anzar High on your right. Drive past the school until you see the athletic fields on your right..

Address, Area=San Benito
2000 San Juan Highway
San Juan Bautista, CA 95045
OpenStreetMap GoogleMaps
Fields defined at this Location
  1. Anzar HS, RidgeStar 455
    Driving Directions from Hollister: Take Highway 156 to Highway 101 North. Go 2-3 miles. Take the Highway 129 exit. Turn RIGHT at the end of the offramp. You will see Anzar High on your right. Drive past the school until you see the athletic fields on your right..