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Please provide all the following information to the best of your ability and only if you personally observed the Match:

AR2 Evaluation for Match #323396
Date, Time9/15/2024 at 2:00 pmFieldCubberley Football FieldRefereeRyan Weinswig
PlayingLeagueNorCal State CupClassPremierLevelBU13
HomeStanford Strikers 12B Black 368609HomeScore
AwayNorth Valley 12B Arsenal Green 388955AwayScore
Your Name2Your Role2Affiliation2

2REQUIRED - evaluator name and contact info will NOT be provide to the Referee but will be available to the Assignor if followup is needed.

Specific observations associated with the Match:

Evaluation1=Poor, 3=Average, 5=Excellent
Punctuality(20 minutes before, start on time)? 12345
Professionalism(Treat all with respect)? 12345
Appearance(Uniform, whistle, signals)? 12345
Control(Apply advantage, keep match safe)? 12345
Fitness(Keep up with play, fitness level)? 12345
Comments / Compliments / Concerns