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CalNorth X2 Rules SummaryPrintable

This rules summary is provided to the referees as a service. These are not the official rules of the competition. NO warranty is made that this summary is up to date.

Last Updated 8/12/2024



The CalNorth X2 League is for clubs competing at the highest levels. This League is for U11 and older teams.  The format is club vs club, meaning that a club will host several matches at the same location where are all the opponents are from the same visiting club. 

Match Cards

Not addressed in rules


All players must have a USYSA player pass. 

Number of Players & Game Day Roster

Maximum Game Day Roster is 18

Teams are permitted to have 3 players play down one age group on a game day.

On field warm up

Teams get 15 minutes on the match pitch before the match starts.. 


At least one adult must have a pass. Only adults with passes on team side. 

Spectators are opposite their respective team's technical area.  

Send offs / Incident Reports / Concussion Protocol

Not addressed


Not addressed

Deliberate Heading

Not addressed

Ball Size

U14+ => Size 5  MLS/FIFA quality
U11-U13 => Size 4 MLS/FIFA quality  NOTE U13  uses Size 4

U13 & older

11v11 Per FIFA
Match length, substitution and field size exceptions


3 moments per half, plus half time.  No re-entry per half for all ages.

Match Length

U11-U12 2 - 30 minute halves    5 minute halftime
U13         2 - 35 minute halves  10 minute halftime
U14-U15 2 - 40 minute halves  10 minute halftime ...........
U16-U19 2 - 45 minute halves  10 minute halftime .........

Orthopedic supports

Not addressed

Official Websites

X2 Rules Website