


Matches | Locations | Become a Referee | Evaluate a Referee

Over constrained inquiryPrintable

You encountered this error message, probably because the criteria (filters) that are set are over constrained. For example if the criteria is looking only for matches that are on Sundays between 3 and 4 in the morning, then the results list will probably have no entries.

The system tries to help you out by remembering the criteria used earlier in the session. Sometimes this can over constrain the database inquiry.

Sometimes there has been a software change in the criteria box and the previously saved criteria is now incompatible with the change.

Common problems: Check that there is not a residual criteria that you no longer need. Check the Status. Check the Date.

How to fix.

  • Reset the criteria.
    Click reset once to revert to your saved criteria.
    Click reset twice to revert to site default saved criteria.
    Click reset three times to revert to software default criteria.

  • Save new criteria
    After the criteria entered provide the desired results list, click Show then click save